Setup your first stop
The first stop is typically the most important stop as it tells participants when the event will start and where it will stop. Therefore, it is required that you put in your first stop during event creation.

Stop Location
Use this box to easily search for a park, venue or address. Selecting the address from the results will populate the Stop Name box automatically.
Stop Name
The stop name is automatically populated when you search for a location but can be edited after selecting a location. For instance, you may search for a park by address but then want to change the name to a common name for that location.
Arrival Time
Arrival time tells your participants when you are expecting them to arrive at this location.
Departure Time
Is the time you expect your participants to leave this location and move on to the next stop?
How many cards are dealt at this stop?
You can select how many cards will be dealt at a particular stop using this box. One card is typically selected, but in some instances, you may want to deal with more than one card, so we provided you with that option.
Additional information about this stop
Use this box to provide your participant with specific information about this stop. (i.e., There is additional parking in the lot across from the main entrance. Lunch will be served at this location.)